Monday, March 23, 2009

10 Disruptions that Could Transform Your Classroom by Dean Shareski at IT Summit 2009

My notes on the session:

Dean did his presentation using Cooliris. Definately something I want to check into.

Links to videos and items presented at this session:

Inspiration for the presentation:

  • Disrupting Class by Clayton M. Christensen
  • Horizon report 2009 edition from the new media consortium
  • "Experiment of anarchy" Eric Schmidt
  • "The future has already arrived. It's just not evenly distributed yet." William Gibson
  • Microsoft commercial "How they see the future" video
  1. Smart Phones and other mobile devices - video "iphoneu" "tonchidot" "poll everywhere"
  2. Low cost computing - netbooks (what do you spend on textbooks?, kindle on Amazon
  3. Cloud Computing - everything is housed on the web, Google Apps
  4. Live Streaming - ustream, Brian Crosby: Sparks Nevada teacher to include students using Skype, qik video, Mr. C's Class Blog
  5. Back Channels and Micro-Blogging - Sharing, public chat, K12 for video, Twitter, social networking
  6. Immersive Environments - video games, teen second life environment, applying new knowledge and allow for collaboration, online engaging environment
  7. Privacy - idea of privacy is changing (outside interaction between teachers and students)
  8. Time Shifting - What is Face to Face good for? - taking lectures out of school time and spending the time working together at school.
  9. Open and Connected - free stuff online - MIT Open Courseware, online courses how to offer distance learning.
  10. Outsourced Instruction - Differentiated instruction and grouping students based on need and interest (ex. Clarence Fisher teaching with a school in L.A.)


  1. This post has served a dual purpose for me. I am exploring Web 2.0 innovations across the web for a graduate class in Technology Integration. This presentation is an excellent survey of many Web 2.0 ideas. I will pass a recommendation that my colleagues view this presentation. I am still absorbing it after seeing it .... an amazing presentation.

    The second purpose that was valuable to me was the presentation's technology itself. A plug-in for my Browser called CoolIris is certainly qualified as a Web 2.0 application or plug-in. It takes the Powerpoint presentation and turns it into a three-dimensional space where you fly over the slides as if they were a long billboard strip. You can navigate anywhere through the presentation and start, restart or review the presentation's content. Moving from slide to slide is like traveling from island to island of graphics, text quotes and video clips.

    My wife walking by, also a teacher, was grabbed immediately, first by the audio playing and then by the fluid "flyover" technology.

    This mixture of a powerful presentation as well as a powerful presentation tool that is the setting for my first formal blog. I have not been reluctant, just distracted by the intensity of a pilot educational program at the middle school level. I haven't had the time to explore.

    The only danger here, I fear, is that this kind of technology could steal away my focus to finish the academic year. I remember being new on the Internet in the mid-eighties ... one search led to another and I literally lost entire days exploring this new information technology. Here I go again!

  2. Thank for your comment Ford. Your point about sometimes getting distracted by new tools is so very true! So many things to explore and so little time to do the exploring. I try to use one or two tools at a time and then focus on integrating them into what I'm already doing. If not, I would spend days just "playing" and then have problems later getting my focus back. Good luck on your blog. I look forward to reading it!
