
Welcome! Bienvenue! My name is Joanna Sanders and I'm a Canadian educator with a passion for the integration of technology into the classroom. I believe that the power of technology lies not with learning how to use these tools in the classroom but rather in the engagement and incredible learning that takes place when technology is in the hands of students. Technology allows us to connect and take charge of our learning. This blog is a log of my professional learning as an educator and how I'm integrating my new found knowledge into my teaching.

My interest in educational technology has grown by leaps and bounds over the past few years. What started as a passing interest in computers and the web, evolved into becoming the teacher responsible for educational technology in my school, to eventually helping to lead the discussion about educational transformation in our province. I have since discovered that I needed a better place to organize my thoughts and ideas on educational technology as well as to share how I've used technology to empower my students and to expand their learning choices. So is born my adventures in blogging...

This blog only contains my own views and opinions and does not reflect the views and opinions of my employer. I hope you will join me on a regular basis as I continue my adventures in educational technology.