About Me

My name is Joanna Sanders and I live in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. I am a French Immersion Educator currently working as the Digital Fluency Consultant for the Ministry of Education.

I have a passion for integrating technology into the classroom through problem based, inquiry-driven projects and hands on learning activities. I am all about motivating my students to pursue their passions by helping them to find ways to make a difference in the world while teaching them how to be responsible digital citizens. 

I am a Google Certified Teacher and a YouTube Star Teacher. Please read more about my Google Adventures in Seattle during the summer of 2011.

Recipient of the Prime Minister's Award 
for Teaching Excellence
Certificate of Excellence, 2010-11

Globe Readers Nominate Innovators -
Teachers Leading Classrooms of the Future
Globe and Mail, December 2, 2011

Winner of the 2009 Best Buy "Best in Class" Award