Thursday, October 26, 2017

My Personal Learning Philosophy

As part of the requirements for an online course I am taking in instructional design, I had to create an introductory video that utilized a Web 2.0 tool to help explore my learning philosophy. I don't get to play around in GoAnimate as much as I would like so I picked that tool to create my video.

I have included it in this post in case you are interested in watching it.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Digital Citizenship in Blended Learning

While attending the Building Student Engagement in Distance and Blended Learning Conference this week in North Battleford, I had the pleasure of presenting "Digital Citizenship in Blended Learning" to a large group of teachers. The presentation was very well received and contains a number of resources for teachers looking to incorporate digital citizenship into their blended learning environments.

I have shared it here in case you find it helpful:

One tool that I used throughout the presentation is called Mentimeter.  This is a great interactive tool that can be used for formative assessment throughout a lesson or engage an audience during a presentation. It is very customizable and user friendly. I also really like how you can export your results in different formats, making it multi-purpose.  Here is the collective word cloud that we built to define digital citizenship: